
Our Services

The organisation’s policy and strategy is overseen by a Management Committee (currently consisting of seven members) and its day to day activities are carried out by paid staff (currently nine part-time staff).

The Support Centre’s current activities include:

BME Social Prescribing IESCCG-logo
The BME Social Prescribing service provides support for people from diverse communities within the geographical boundaries of the Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group in a culturally relevant and sensitive environment. Many of the staff at BSCMS are bilingual however where necessary telephone interpreting can also be provided to overcome language barriers.

BME Health Awareness & Prevention Project IESCCG-logo
For 20 years now, BSC has been playing a significant role in improving the quality of life of local BME people. Working in partnership with Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group and other stakeholders, this project will seek to engage members of the minority communities in order to achieve two key elements, namely the need for promoting a ‘culture of prevention’ relating to health matters and secondly, to work proactively and collaboratively with local stakeholders to address current challenges facing local health services. This will be achieved through a combination of activities including health events, workshops, group discussion on specific health issues and proactive outreach. For more info, please contact BSC via this site or phone Shayra on 01473 429740 / 400081

Support Services BSC Multicultural Services office is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 15 hours a week. We have appointed bilingual Support Worker(s) who can provide information, help and support to local Bangladeshi people on such issues as:

  • Benefits, Council Tax and Housing
  • Racial Harassment and Filling-in Forms
  • Educational Issues, Training and many other issues
  • Level 1 Immigration Advice

For more information, please contact us on 01473 400081

Training Projects BSC Multicultural Services started this project in partnership with Suffolk Learning & Skills Council with the aim of strengthening the Training and Capacity Building needs of the Bangladeshi people living in Ipswich and Suffolk.

Over the last few years, numerous courses and training have been organised including Interview Technique courses, Food Hygiene training, Health and Safety course, First Aid and Welfare Rights Awareness course. Hundreds of local people have benefited from project so far.

For more information, please contact us on 01473 400081

Stay Safe Online funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner and aimed at keeping young people free from digital threats. We provide Online Safety Awareness sessions for children and parents from BME communities.

For more information, please contact us on 01473 400081

Tenants Project This is a partnership project with Ipswich Borough Council. We have appointed a project worker to help Bangladeshi council tenants with housing related queries and help reduce rent arrears. This project has made significant progress and, from time to time, events are organized to highlight issues affecting council tenants.

For more information, please contact us on 01473 429740 or 07748 988098

ESOL Project BSC Multicultural Services continues to run English language Drop-In class at 19 Tower Street, Ipswich. A bilingual Support Assistant continues to help the ESOL teacher. English is taught using laptops and other computer equipment. We have separate men’s and women’s classes.

For more information, please contact us on 01473 429740

Supplementary School for primary school children aged 5 to 12 years at St Helen’s School, Saturdays between 2pm and 4pm, term time. Provides help with Maths, English and Science.

For more information, please contact Mohammed Alam on 01473 400081

Homework Club for those aged 11 to 18 years at Northgate High School, Mondays between 5pm and 7pm, term time.

For more information, please contact Mohammed Alam on 01473 400081

Sports Club at Northgate Sports Centre, Thursdays between 3pm and 5pm, term time. For children and family to take part in sport.

For more information, please contact Mohammed Alam on 01473 400081

Hate Crime Project Researching unreported hate crime and hate incidents. Funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner.

For more information, please contact Mohammed Alam on 01473 400081

Plus Three Large Events

Suffolk Pita Festival is a traditional Bangladeshi Cultural Exhibition that involves a pita competition, traditional food stalls, educational awards, jewellery and accessory stalls, information stalls, children’s entertainment, and henna art.

One Big Multicultural Festival is predominantly a global music festival held on a Sunday afternoon towards the end of summer. There are many food stalls and an information marquee that draws large crowds. The children’s fun fair and sports events, including football and kabbadi, are also really popular.

Suffolk BME Business Awards celebrate the massive contribution that BME businesses make to Ipswich and Suffolk. The event is hosted at the University of Suffolk and the awards night itself is a celebration of community and co-operation as well as diversity. BSC works in partnership with the University of Suffolk to organise this event.

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